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Become a Food Donor Today!

Do you have surplus food?  We are here to help.

We provide free transportation & coordination of surplus food donations to local nonprofits. We also track and provide data for reporting purposes.

Ready to donate?

Who can donate surplus food?

Donors range from grocery stores, restaurants, caterers, food distributors, farms, schools and even other nonprofits.

What is surplus food?

Surplus food is perfectly good food that is unsold and often approaching the end of its useful life.

Donate More Than Food

The 530 Food Rescue team receiving a donation from Starbucks.

Did you know food donations are protected?

Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Act

The Bill Emerson Good Samaritan Act, passed in 1996, protects everyone in the food donation cycle, except in cases of gross negligence.

Food Donation Improvement Act

The recently passed Food Donation Improvement Act builds upon the Bill Emerson GSA by clarifying and broadening liability protections for retailers to donate surplus food.

We provide free transportation & coordination of surplus food donations to local nonprofits.

Our Food Donor Partners

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